Registration for Combined Practitioners


Welcome to the Tellington TTouch Guild Registration Page


There are three levels of membership for Combined Practitioners:  (CA = Companion Animal, EQ = Equine)

  1. Combined CA & EQ Practitioner Basic applies to Practitioner or Practitioner 1 level in both categories
  2. Combined CA & EQ Practitioner Advanced applies to Practitioner 2 or 3 level in both categories
  3. Combined CA & EQ Practitioner Special applies to Practitioner or Practitioner 1 in one category and Practitioner 2 or 3 in the other category (Example: TTEAM Practioner and CA Prac 3)

Please fill out the form completely.  You will receive an email confirming your application, and another confirming your approval in the Guild.  You will then be able to log in and change or add information to your profile page, adjust your privacy settings, and upload pictures to your own photo album. 

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Select membership level

* Mandatory fields
* Membership level